Environmental Impact
Economic Impact
Political Impact 
Is war over oil, or not?
Look around to hear what people have to say.  
Call to All!  Forget everthing you've been told about the reason for the Iraq War or the carpet bombing of Libya, Syria, and Yemen....

Watch this Must See video of a General telling what he knows!!!
This video is unequivocal proof that a heinous plan came from Rumsfeld, who was Secretary of Defense under "W."

Orders were handed down to the Pentagon, and another General showed General Wesley Clark the paper from then Secretary of Defense.  General Clark tells of witnessing physical proof that the White House launched a plan to take over 6 or more middle east countries.  According to General Wesley Clark, because "They have oil."   

This is especially repulsive considering the suppression of alternative energy breakthroughs that should have replaced the oil in the first place.  Our continued support of Muslim oil is empowering middle-eastern countries and forcing our involvement in nations where we would otherwise have little interest . 

A vote for high mileage technology is a vote for global  sanity and American Independence.  Vote for this technology now by sending your order for the Running On Vapor infopack. 
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